Mental Health
Continuing Education

Delirium, Depression, and Dementia in Older Adults

18 Hours

Estimated learning time


Progress at your own speed

Popular course

A popular course among students

About the Course


This microcredential equips learners with the essential skills to accurately differentiate between dementia, depression, and delirium in elderly patients/clients/residents. Through comprehensive training in screening and assessment tools, analysis of physical/psychomotor changes, cognition/thinking, verbal, and non-verbal behavior, speech, sleep cycles, examination of personal history, and evaluation of current medications and treatments; learners will develop the proficiency needed to make informed assessment between the 3 Ds. This microcredential ensures learners can confidently identify the underlying conditions, enabling appropriate and timely interventions for optimal patient care and well-being.


  • Physical Changes in 3Ds Sleep-wake Cycle, Cognitive Changes in 3Ds Onset/Fluctuating Course in 3Ds & Common Assessment/Screening Tools Behavioral Changes in 3Ds Psychomotor Changes in 3Ds Verbal Communication/Speech in 3Ds Behavioral Changes in 3Ds 8 A's of Dementia




Delivery method



Better prepare staff working in mental health care settings
Identify physical/verbal/non-verbal behaviors and associated with each 3 Ds
Choose appropriate screening/assessment tool to differentiate between the 3 Ds
Network with sector professionals

Outcomes Image