Mental Health
Continuing Education

Addictions and Concurrent Disorders: Motivational Interviewing (MI)

18 Hours

Estimated learning time


Progress at your own speed

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A popular course among students

About the Course


In this course, you will learn how to effectively engage with patients/clients diagnosed with a substance use or concurrent disorder. You will be skilled in identifying the presentations of different substances and withdrawal/overdose of each substance. You will also gain insight into the critical role of MI in reducing the stigma associated with addiction, enabling you to identify the person's current stage of change. Additionally, you will acquire pracxtical skills in implementing OARS (open-ended questions, affirmations, reflections, and summaries) and master the art of validation, and using non-judgmental communication, ultimately empowering individuals in their journey towards recovery.


  • Navigating Substance Use Stages of Change OARS Roll with Resistance and Non–Judgmental Communication




Delivery method



Learn the various types of addictions and concurrent disorders
Understand the relationship between MI and stigma
Identify the stage of change a person with an addiction/concurrent disorder
Identify presentations of substance use and signs of withdrawal and overdose
Integrate emotional validation, non-judgmental inquiry, compassion and respect of autonomy
Implement OARS during the motivational interview with patient/client

Outcomes Image